How to Do the Rubik's Cube Air Trick - Spider Man 2

How to Do the Rubik’s Cube Air Trick – Spider Man 2

How to Do the Rubik’s Cube Air Trick – Spider Man 2

Start the Rubik’s Cube Air Trick by swinging from a high building. Once airborne, press L3 and Square simultaneously. Spider-Man flips and spins, lit up by his suit’s Rubik’s Cube pattern.

Land safely on another building or surface to finish the act. If you land poorly, you’ll get some points for the trick but not the entire score.

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Steps to do the Rubik’s Cube Air Trick are outlined here:

  • From a tall structure.
  • Jointly press L3 and Square.
  • Flip and spin.
  • Land on another building or surface safely.
  • Finished! You can master the Rubik’s Cube Air Trick with practice.

Tips for the Rubik’s Cube Air Trick

  • Be sure you swing from a high building. Higher up, you have more time to finish the feat.
  • Try different L3 and Square button timings. It may take several attempts to succeed.
  • Try a rooftop or park if you’re having problems landing the stunt.

Add these tips to perfect the Rubik’s Cube Air Trick:

  • Try the trick in a park or vacant roadway.
  • Try the trick at lower altitudes. You can try it from higher buildings once you’re comfortable.
  • Be mindful of your surroundings and avoid impediments.
  • It’s okay if you don’t get the trick immediately away. Mastery requires practice.

Be cautious and enjoy!


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