Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake Reveals First Gameplay, Looks Stunning

Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake Reveals First Gameplay, Looks Stunning


Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake Reveals First Gameplay, Looks Stunning, At the Xbox Partner Preview, Konami showed the first Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater gameplay. Snake sneaks through a jungle in the video, his camouflage outfit matching the lush environment and his character model realistic. Realistic lighting and exquisite clothing and gear details make the picture amazing.

A crocodile lurks as Snake crosses a river in the trailer. Snake cautiously crosses across a log to avoid the crocodile’s eyes, and the water physics are superb with realistic ripples and splashes. Snake then silently kills an enemy guard with a pistol and drags him into the bushes. Modern stealth mechanics and crisp gunplay are present.

Snake stands on a cliff overlooking the jungle with his assault rifle and stealth outfit as the trailer concludes. Snake’s every action feels important in the jungle’s hazardous and vibrant atmosphere.

Konami has done a great job modernizing the visuals and gameplay for the present period while preserving the essence of the original game, so fans should be excited about the remake. One of the best remakes ever is coming.


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