Top 3 Trends for Blockchain Gaming Success

Top 3 Trends for Blockchain Gaming Success

Top 3 Trends for Blockchain Gaming Success, Blockchain-based gaming has been a popular usage of distributed ledger technology in recent years. The promise of lifelong ownership of in-game assets and passive income attracts millions of users.

Blockchain gaming offers untapped potential compared to the rest of the gaming business. Only two million of the three billion individuals who play video games annually utilize blockchain technology. Web3 games lack some critical elements needed for broad adoption, given their potential audience.

Blockchain gaming experts from the resource Polemos have come up with three new trends that will help the blockchain gaming industry reach its full potential. The gaming community as a whole will find blockchain gaming applications more interesting and fun if developers focus on making high-quality games, making it easy for new players to join, and making economies that are very strong. For further information about games and a better gaming experience please visit

Top 3 Trending

  • Good Gameplay
  • Frictionless on Boarding
  • Stable Economies

Good Gameplay

When blockchain-based games that pay money were released, this was a turning point for the widespread use of distributed ledger technology. The first million users have quickly signed up thanks to the novel “play-to-earn” concept. However, this excitement quickly faded as the games’ focus on Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) eclipsed that of the actual gameplay.

The failure of various blockchain-based gaming economies, such as Axie Infinity, showed the flaws in this method. These occurrences stressed the importance of providing more than monetary incentives to keep players engaged and attract new ones. In response, the next generation of blockchain games is putting an emphasis on polished gameplay. The general view is that the games should deliver an engaging and immersive experience, with monetary benefits as a nice bonus.

Richard McLaren, who is also co-CEO of Polemos, uses the classic shooter The Machines Arena by Directive Games to show how this strategy works. The game is in an advanced development stage, but the website makes no mention of the game’s Web3 features, instead emphasizing the quality of the gameplay. According to Richard, the Epic Games website (where people may sign up for the closed beta) is the only place where the term “digital collectibles” appears.

More established gamers may join the Web3 gaming industry if more mainstream gaming options are made available, with less emphasis on financialization. New players won’t have to deal with the difficulties that currently exist if the onboarding process is simplified.

Frictionless on Boarding

The onboarding process for blockchain-based games is a significant challenge for developers. Giving game tokens without the hassle of blockchain wallets and identity verification is difficult. Developers should make blockchain games easy to start to attract more players.

Blockchain gaming businesses are working to solve this problem by making apps that give players their own wallets. Users can jump right into using the software without first creating a Metamask wallet or establishing a connection to Damp. Web3 games make it simpler for new users to join and for games to reach them; examples include Reddit’s use of Community Points and Illuvium Zero. The Illuvium Zero free-to-play deck, for instance, allows players to experience the game without having their progress permanently linked to the blockchain.

Developers of Web3 games are aware that wallets are typically created for DeFi (decentralized finance) apps. So, new wallets and integrations that are easier for new players to use would increase adoption and help everyone involved.

Stable Economies

Top 3 Trends for Blockchain Gaming Success

With the advent of the first wave of blockchain gaming apps that offered “play to earn” functionality, the popularity of these sites skyrocketed. However, this expansion was unsustainable, and some platforms went under when players saw no return on their investments in the form of gameplay incentives. The end of Axie Infinity, which saw a big drop in the number of users and the number of trades, may be the best example of this trend.

For blockchain gaming to take off, creators will need to strike a better balance between rewarding players and generating long-term revenue. First-generation blockchain games used a “play-to-earn” system to attract players, but platforms like Axie Infinity’s failure showed that this was not a good way to run a business.

Focusing on pushing players to make money, developers should concentrate on a sustainable game economy. The game will improve as players experience more consistent and entertaining progress. It’s crucial to prevent new players from buying their way to the top of the game. Instead, everyone should have a chance to reach the highest level of competition.

The upcoming AAA first-person shooter Shrapnel is indicative of this trend because it emphasizes user-created content and cosmetic elements over gameplay enhancements. In doing so, the game stands a better chance of having a long-lasting economy, fostering lasting communities, and providing a thriving secondary market for in-game items.

Future blockchain gaming initiatives can take advantage of this shift in emphasis by establishing a dedicated user base first, before launching transactions and releasing in-game assets. Sweatcoin is a well-known example of a gamified project that used this strategy. Before releasing its token and in-game assets, it built a strong community of fitness fans.

In conclusion, makers of blockchain-based video games need to establish a middle ground between player incentives and long-term financial viability. They need to put in the time and effort required to establish sustainable in-game economies, make it impossible to buy one’s way to the top, and provide users with a fun and rewarding gaming experience.

Blockchain games have a bright future

Millions of new people may soon be joining the blockchain community thanks to the blockchain gaming sector. Developers should focus on making mainstream-level games, making it easier for players to get started, and finding a balance between sustainable economics and player rewards if they want more traditional gamers to use Web3 games. When brought together, these factors can lay the groundwork for blockchain gaming apps to go beyond the buzz and into widespread use.


The blockchain gaming industry is swiftly evolving, making it crucial for developers to keep up. Crucial to the development of blockchain gaming are non-fungible tokens, play-to-earn, and cross-chain interoperability. As the gaming industry grows, blockchain technology will fundamentally alter its operations. The gaming ecosystem should be safer, more open, and less centralized if game developers adopt these trends. We cannot wait to see the future of blockchain-based wagering. Gamendly is attempting to provide more game-related information, so please visit our website and provide feedback. Thanks!

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